I'm starting a food diary. I've visibly gained weight over the first semester (at least in my eyes) and I don't feel good about it, so I'm going to try to watch what I eat.
I've been reading The 4-Hour Chef that I got for Christmas, and although the slow-carb diet sounds interesting, it's impossible to do it when I am a student living with my parents. What I can still do is cut down on the carbs because I know I'm definitely addicted to breads and pastas, but that's not enough for me at this point.
Yesterday I came across
a video by Jenn from clothesencounters (of course on YouTube) where she talked about her diet plan from the last year. She mentioned the same carb addiction problem, and how cutting down on it helps, but she also talked about an app called The Eatery. It's an app where you take pictures of what you're eating, and it's connected to a network where other people have rated similar foods on how healthy it is, etc. It's a good way to track what you're putting in your mouth because you actually get to see what you're eating, and it's super fast to do.
The only problem is, it's a damn iPhone app. I'm Team Android. *silent tears*
I suddenly remembered hearing a talk about a similar app when I attended the Design Our Tomorrow conference at the University of Toronto back in 2011. However, it turned out that the talk was by a cofounder at Massive Health, creator of The Eatery app. *somewhat audible sobs*
I really wanted an app like The Eatery because I know that I can't keep written diaries for these kinds of things. I've tried multiple times in the past and couldn't go for more than a week. Plus, I'm visual.
I still looked on Google Play for a similar app, but there isn't any such thing. However, I did find Moment Diary, a Japanese app that needs a lot of help in translation. It's alright though, because now it's really based on icons... like tumblr!
Moment Diary is just a great app to take down whatever you want in that moment. It timestamps all of the posts you make, and you can take pictures directly from the app or add old photos from your gallery. Although it's not connected to a network where you can see other people's ratings and reviews for the dishes you upload, it's still good for personal reasons to see what you've consumed in a given period of time.
It's all I got so I'm giving it a shot. I found that seeing the food gives me more of a guilt trip to stop me from eating more food, but it's only been three days so I'm going to have to see about this. FOOD DIARY!!