verb (used without object)
- to wobble and walk unsteadily like one is walking on jello : he wombled his way to the door
- to act without future direction or instruction : he wombled on the decision and decided to buy a spider
J has been studying hard about computers, programming and psychology. Everything around him has become wires and memory and programs. Sometimes when he is sleeping, he dreams that the entire world is made out of metal and he can understand everything that ever existed. He has a better understanding of the Matrix and sometimes holds experiments to see if he is the One.
J has been thinking hard about what the future holds and how he is going to approach it. With complete financial independence and big decisions coming up, J has never felt so young in his life even if this is the oldest he has ever been. Life has become simple steps and hurdles lined up in a row to be completed one at a time. Getting tuition set up, allocating money for rent, making sure the milk in the fridge doesn't go bad, talking to phone company about my plan, taking care of insurance. He believes that if he keeps it up, he'll just keep getting better and better at it until he levels up and it all becomes a breeze. Or so he hopes.
J has realized that the milk in the fridge has probably gone bad.
J has decided that he wants a dog. Sometime in the next 5 years, J is going to find a Samoyed puppy to take care of and call friend. J has been doing a lot of research as he has heard that it is a big responsibility. He watches video after video of dog training, reads articles about health and grooming, and sometimes talks on dog forums. He has been thinking about what to name the puppy, but he should wait until he meets the puppy because the name has to fit the puppy.
J has discovered that the expiry date of the milk in the fridge is next Wednesday. He will eat cereal for breakfast tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day for J. He has to do a lot of assignments and prepare for his lab. He also realizes that his room is very messy and needs to be vacuumed. In fact, J decides that since he has so much to do this weekend, he will stop writing, press the publish button in the top right hand corner and work on writing his code. J stops typing on his keyboard.