Summer is soon coming which triggered the prospective Explore students around me to start freaking out about whether they had been offered a place at any of the schools they applied to. This promptly stirred up some memories from my 6 weeks at l'Université de Québec à Trois-Rivières last summer.
The Explore program is a 5 week program run by the Canadian government to encourage Anglophone students to travel somewhere in the country to learn French (and vice versa with the Francophone students with English). A ton of Glendon students go during their undergrad years because we are a bilingual campus and it's an incredible booster for practicing French speaking. It's paid for entirely by the government (except for travel fare there and back) which is pretty awesome. I stayed an extra week to take another course, which turned out to be a terrible week (I`ll vlog about it or something).
UQTR at night |
The view from inside the building looking out to the front. |
The lovely Michel Sarrazin residences! |
We got meal tickets which covered all of our weekday meal costs... |
but over the weekends we had to resort to groceries, or in my flatmate's case, heating up McDonald's..... |
When we went on trips we tried some "cultural" food. Italian pizza, poutine, onion rings = white people food? |
Their cafes were pretty awesome though. Café Morgan is as rampant in Québec as Starbucks is in New York. |
I think it was the first time I had ever tried macarons too! |
Yeah. |
And now I'm super determined to get a camera for this summer so I don't have to look back at my gross camera phone pictures for memories. Hopefully I'll be working full time this summer but I have some plans for new photo and vlog creations!
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